Orchid child

P's Expressions
Jan 29, 2021


Photo by: Dimitri Houtteman

If they are both lucky and are treated well, they can live up to 100 years.

They require an established routine, a weekly watering schedule. A routine sets them up for success, routines refuel.

Some need more loving than others, depending on their history.

They do their thriving in sunlight, the sunlight helps them bloom. Vitamin D is their friend.

Work is required to cut off spent blooms, let go of what no longer serves.

They can go through a dormancy stage in life, which is a time it takes to replenish the nutrients that were spent in the blooming season. With a helping hand, time, and care, they will rejuvenate and have energy and courage to bloom again.

We too go through seasons child, but with proper love and care we too can bloom again.


